Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Watch Your Tongue!

Positive words and support boosts the self-esteem of a Child. Suppressed words of hatred/criticism in the mind of a Child is not healthy for their psychological development; we should therefore desist from making a child feel worthless. I’m not saying we shouldn’t correct a Child if they should do something wrong but it should be done appropriately without diminishing the self-esteem of the Child.

A Child will always be a Child and there is a tiny line between abuse and discipline. It is your role as a parent or guardian to understand the behaviour of the child(ren) under your care.

We should always endeavour to pay rapt attention when a Child decides to discuss something that is bothering them to you, because the common language a Child understands is Empathy.

Therefore when a Child have the knowledge that they would be heard and understood, rather than judged or side lined, it gives a healthy dose to their self-esteem. This will further result to a Positive Parent-Child relationship.


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